Tuesday 22 February 2011

Malki Soap It Up

I was reading the reviews on the Malki Dead Sea Soaps and was amazed to discover the feedback on skin problems like acne and eczema. Stars including Catherine Zeta-Jones, LeAnn Rimes and Victoria Beckham are just a few of the celebs known for experiencing eczema or similar skin problems. Eczema is even more widespread than I had initially imagined and is particularly common with babies and toddlers. Millions of people in Britain suffer with the symptoms of this condition every day including, itchy skin, red inflamed skin, small water blisters and the psychological affects too, of feeling embarrassed. 

A very good friend of mine Christy, who has black skin, has suffered from this as far back as she can remember. I conducted a little Malki experiment on her with the Malki Mud Soap and Sulphur Soap. I wanted to see if either of the soaps made a difference to her eczema.


Again, both soaps support the promise of the entire range, consisting of properties from the Dead Sea and its miraculous rich healing minerals. Soap from my experience tends to last longer than shower creams and gels and so, if it does what it says on the box, then paying £3.36 is totally justifiable.

After five days of using the Mud Soap and the Sulphur Soap twice per day, Christy noticed a huge difference in her skin. It felt soft, moisturized and her eczema did not disappear but, she was certainly relieved of a lot of the symptoms. Let’s see what happens over the course of a month!

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