Monday 28 February 2011

Malki Moisture, Unbeatable…………...

I have spent years looking for a lotion that leaves my skin silky smooth and moisturised all day. My skin has tried and tested combinations of lotions, oils and toners, not to mention the standard ranges including, Neutrogena formulas, Vaseline Intensive Care and Johnsons Baby Oil. 

So, I was delighted to discover that Malki do a Natural mineral body lotion. I have had good experiences with everything else I've tried with them thus far so, I was confident that this lotion would too be somewhat impressive.

With naturally dry skin, Malki's Natural Mineral Body Lotion quenched my skins thirst. One of my favourite things about this non-oily formula is that it is easily absorbed so you’ll feel soft and refreshed but, not greasy. Priced at £7.66 it's a price worth paying for all day moisture. 

Tuesday 22 February 2011

Malki Soap It Up

I was reading the reviews on the Malki Dead Sea Soaps and was amazed to discover the feedback on skin problems like acne and eczema. Stars including Catherine Zeta-Jones, LeAnn Rimes and Victoria Beckham are just a few of the celebs known for experiencing eczema or similar skin problems. Eczema is even more widespread than I had initially imagined and is particularly common with babies and toddlers. Millions of people in Britain suffer with the symptoms of this condition every day including, itchy skin, red inflamed skin, small water blisters and the psychological affects too, of feeling embarrassed. 

A very good friend of mine Christy, who has black skin, has suffered from this as far back as she can remember. I conducted a little Malki experiment on her with the Malki Mud Soap and Sulphur Soap. I wanted to see if either of the soaps made a difference to her eczema.


Again, both soaps support the promise of the entire range, consisting of properties from the Dead Sea and its miraculous rich healing minerals. Soap from my experience tends to last longer than shower creams and gels and so, if it does what it says on the box, then paying £3.36 is totally justifiable.

After five days of using the Mud Soap and the Sulphur Soap twice per day, Christy noticed a huge difference in her skin. It felt soft, moisturized and her eczema did not disappear but, she was certainly relieved of a lot of the symptoms. Let’s see what happens over the course of a month!

Sunday 13 February 2011


My beauty quest continues and I am looking a bit further into the Malki Dead Sea products range. Recently, I heard through the grapevine that Celebs Selena Gomez and The Hills star, Lo Bosworth suffered from dry skin, a bit like myself. I need to moisturise daily to avoid itchy, ashy skin and even then maintenance can still be a struggle at times. 

The Malki Dead Sea Body Scrub is packaged in a standard tub and looks like a typical scrub, with mini, coloured, scented crystals. However, the main advantage that this scrub has over so many others I have tried before, is how amazingly silky smooth my skin felt afterwards. 
Being a dry skin victim, my routine is very strict to avoid a scratch fest day from hell but, after using the scrub my skin was pleasantly oily and glowed all day - I didn’t need an ounce of moisturiser for the first time ever!! 

The down side is, it’s a little expensive, priced at £7.14 per 300ml tub so, I am going to have to stretch this one for as long as I can……

Sunday 6 February 2011

Malki Discovery


Now, I am quite skin obsessed hence the name of my blog. I am on a mission to find a product range that can suit my everyday lifestyle. I’d ideally like not to use a body scrub, shower gel, shampoo, body lotion and so much more by 5 or 6 different brands. Has the modern world become so commercially driven that one old fashioned potion no longer does the trick???

I also suffer from dry skin and actually have quite sensitive skin but, I don’t particularly want to have to use baby products either! Surely an adult can find a product on the market thats not prescribed and can be used for all skin types?!?! 

Without saying my age I am a young woman that just wants to have great skin, all day every day, its not too much to ask……….

Lately, work has been quite busy so, I opted to start my mission by testing out a stress relieving new find of mine “Dead Sea, Aromatherapy Bath Salts with Frankincense oil & rose petals.” A bit of a mouthful I’ll admit but, its by Malki, sold at Boots and seems like it could be good, especially priced at £6.08 - I think there’s a little part of me that liked the Frankincense idea, it just seemed like there could be some miraculous elements that will leave me feeling the way I intended. 

It says that its rich with minerals found at the lowest point on earth, WOW!!! Thats some pretty impressive stuff, so I had to see if it lived up to its amazing statement. 

I ran a bath and swirled two handfuls of the bath salts in the warm water. Initially I noticed the rose petals that seem quite romantic (I’m a softy for that love stuff) and huge chunks of pink crystals - so far it looked promising. 

Once the bath was set, I rolled up my towel to use it as a head rest and lit a few candles to get the spa effect. I’ve just felt so tired and my head has been throbbing, some times city life can take its toll…. 

I stepped into what was a piece of ecstasy and beauty bliss. After just seconds of being in there, my bathroom had turned into a serene environment with the natural melody of the mini waves in my bath and my skin felt like it was being brought back to life. There’s something in that Dead Sea stuff that soothes your physical tension. I feel absolutely GREAT!!  Hands down, one of the best baths I have ever had.

I can’t wait to try something else in their range. Stay tuned!